Perkin Elmer Spectrum 400 IR/NIR


Perkin Elmer Spectrum 400 IR/NIR#

We will be using the IR in ATR mode for this module. FTIR is also often used in transmission mode.


  1. Make sure the power is on to the spectrometer.

  2. Open the Spectrum IR software and log in as Administrator.

  3. We will be operating the spectrometer in Attenuated Internal Reflectance mode. This simplifies our sample preparation significantly because we don’t have to do any sample preparation! Make sure the sample stage is clear and the Accumulations is set to 10 scans. Click Background.

  4. When it’s complete, click the dropdown arrown on Scanalyze and then Scan and Search. Place the plastic shopping bag on the stage. Keeping an eye on the force gauge on the monitor, begin tightening the hammer to hold the sample close to the crystal.

  5. Once you have a force of about 100, click Scan.

  6. Allow the software to finish scanning. It will search a library for a compound that matches the spectrum you obtained.

  7. When you are finished, close the software. Do not turn off the spectrometer. It generally stays on all the time to reduce humidity inside the instrument.


  1. What is the result of the library search?

  2. Does this match the actual material (inspect the bag for a label)?

  3. Using the above procedure, take a look at the underside (the non-label side) of the DVD. What is it made out of?

  4. Do you think we can put this DVD in a computer and it will still work? In other words, is this a destructive or a nondestructive technique?

  5. What might happen if you try to analyze a material of mixed composition?