Perkin-Elmer Lambda 1050 UV/Vis/NIR


Perkin-Elmer Lambda 1050 UV/Vis/NIR#


  1. Make sure the power is on to the spectrometer.

  2. Open the PerkinElmer UV WinLab software and log in with Analyst.

  3. This instrument uses β€œmethods”. Select the CHEM322 Instrument Familiarization method.

  4. Click Start. The instrument will ask you to remove the samples to perform some zeroing (100% and 0%T). Make sure that a blank (distilled water) is placed in the front cuvette holder. Close the lid to the spectrometer and click OK when ready.

  5. This will take a while, but when it’s ready for your sample it will prompt you to insert the sample. There should be a cuvette with purple in it ready for you to use.

  6. After all scanning is complete, answer the questions below regarding your spectrum before closing the software.

  7. Close the software and, if you’re the last one using the instrument today, turn it off.


  1. There should be two peaks, a fairly shallow one and a not so smooth looking one. The sample is actually the UV-Vis waste from CHEM121: Analysis of a Synthetic Blood sample. The coloration was provided using a FerroZine coloring agent, which binds to iron. Based on the position of the peaks, at what wavelength might you quantify blood iron levels? Which of your two peaks might be a bit more difficult for quantification and why?

  2. The UV-Vis you used in CHEM341 (and 115/116/121/122 depending on your year) is a lot faster at aquiring data. For reference, you can see that spectrometer on the bench by the double doors. Feel free to drop the sample cuvette in to see what the spectrum looks like. What do you think this Lambda 1050 is doing that the OceanInsight does not do?

  3. I had you open a method rather than building all of the parameters. What benefits might such method-using instruments afford? What might be the downsides to loading and using methods like this?