Separable-Prefix Verbs and Present Perfect
- This class of verb is called a "separable-prefix" verb. These exist in English, but are structured differently.
- To "stand up" is one of the English verbs in this category. But instead of the word "up" being a prefix,
it is written as a separate word, even though it actually is part of the verb and cannot be separated from the verb.
- As an illustration of comparing the structures, think of "aufstehen" as "upstand", or "take back"
(zurücknehmen) as "backtake". When used in a sentence, the German separable-prefix verb looks a bit more like the English: "Er
steht auf." = "He stands up." "Ihr nehmt es zurück." = "You take it back."
- One more feature of the German separable-prefix verb is word order. The separable prefix goes at the end of a regular
statement or question, so that "He gets up every day at 7:30." = "Er steht jeden Tag um 7:30 auf.
- In the present perfect tense, the "ge" goes between the prefix and the root verb; all is written as one word:
- Er ist jeden Tag um 7.30 Uhr aufgestanden. (He got up every day at 7:30.)
- Ihr habt es zurückgenommen. (You took it back.)
Übung 6-4a Separable Prefix Verbs. In BOLT.
In the list below,
- separable prefix verbs are indicated with a "/" between the prefix and the root verb and
- verbs of motion are marked with a *.
- strong verbs are marked with a #.
- ab/holen: to pick up (something or someone)
- an/fangen#: to begin, start
- an/kommen*#: to arrive
- an/rufen#: to call up
- auf/stehen#*: to get up
- ein/kaufen: to shop
- fern/sehen#: to watch television
- heim/gehen*#: to go home
- kennen/lernen: to meet, become acquainted with someone, get to know
- vorbei/kommen#*: to drop by, to drop in
- weg/fahren#*: to drive away
In the lines below the images, write complete sentences in German in the present perfect tense using the elements below each image. Note the examples in the explanation above.
Karl - aufstehen - um 8.00 Uhr - am Montag |
der Bus - ankommen - spät Der Regen - anfangen (two sentences) |
wir - einkaufen - viel - im Supermarkt |
Uwe - abholen - Getränke - für die Party |
Frank - vorbeikommen - bei seinem Freund Richard |
Lisa - kennenlernen - Mia - an der Arbeit |
der Bus - wegfahren - ohne mich |
ich - anrufen - meine Mutter - jeden Abend |
Hans und Grete - heimgehen - nach der Schule |
David - fernsehen - drei Stunden - am Samstag Abend |
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