Seite 1

Kapitel 3: Essen! Einkaufen!

Was essen Sie gern? Was trinken Sie gern?

das Bier -e

das Brötchen -

das Brötchen - / die Brötchensorten

das Brot -e / die Brotsorten

die Butter

der Döner -

das Ei -er / ein gekochtes Ei

das Hähnchen -

der Käse -n

der Kaffee

der Kuchen -

die Pizza -s (or die Pizzen)

die Pommes Frittes (die Pommes)

der Saft / die Säfte

der Salat -e

das Schnitzel -

die Schokolade -n

die Suppe -n

die Torte -n

die Wurst / die Würste

das Wurstbrot -e

Kultur: Essen und Getränke

Learning about another culture can often start with learning how people eat. Food is one of the most distinctive features of all cultures.
  • das Bier: Beer is readily associated with German-speaking countries and, indeed, Germans do drink a lot of beer. The quality of beer is outstanding, and the history of beer in Germany dates back to the eighth century.
  • das Brötchen: There are hundreds of kinds of these small bread rolls, which go by various names in various regions, such as der Weck -en, die Schrippe -n, and die Semmel -n, and they are ubiquitous on the German dining tables and the main staple at breakfast.
  • das Brot: Like Brötchen, bread in general is the main staple in the German diet. The quality and taste of German breads hardly have any equivalent in the United States. Bakeries are everywhere in German-speaking countries and bakers are highly trained professionals who take great pride in their products.
  • der Döner: short for der Döner-Kebap, this has become the most popular fast food in Germany -- a turkish sandwich that has its German beginnings in Berlin sometime in the early 1970s.
  • das Hähnchen: rotisserie chicken with pommes frites is a common fast food and is featured in student cafeterias. One typically orders "ein halbes Hähnchen" (a half chicken).
  • der Käse: Although the French or Swiss are well known for fabulous and a great variety of cheeses, Germany also produces a vast amount and assortment, and is a part of very many German meals.
  • der Kaffee: Germans drink so much coffee, that in some years the consumption of coffee exceeds that of beer! And they demand high quality. Germans tend to drink their coffee a little stronger than North Americans.
  • der Kuchen: These are flat cakes, often with fruit or other kinds of toppings, and are also integral to German food culture. The tradition of "Kaffee und Kuchen" in the afternoon is observed in many German households. Like breads, baking Kuchen is a product of fine craftsmanship in Germany.
  • das Schnitzel: Literally translates as "cutlet", Schnitzel are usually pan-fried small cuts of pork or veal prepared in a great variety of styles. They can be breaded or unbreaded and served with sauces and toppings. Jägerschnitzel, a cutlet topped with mushroom gravy, can be found all over Germany. There are endless regional variations and special house recipes in restaurants.
  • der Saft: Statistics show that in many years, Germans drink more fruit juice than any other country in the world. Germany has large specialty markets for beverages (Getränkemarkt / Getränkemärkte), along with selling beverages in regular grocery stores and other places.
  • die Schokolade: Chocolate in several European countries, including Germany, is delicious. Top German brands of chocolate are Milka, Ritter-Sport, and the Swiss company Lindt.
  • die Torte: This is a layer cake, not to be confused with der Kuchen. There are many well-known regional specialties, such as the Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte (Black Forest Cherry Cake).
  • die Wurst: Wurst is a generic term for most kinds of processed meats, such as sausages and cold cuts. There are over a thousand kinds of Wurst in Germany. One purchases Wurst in a butcher shop (die Metzgerei), as well as in supermarkets and grocery stores. The Metzgerei is often preferred, because the owner is a licensed professional with a certification as a master meat preparer.
  • Pommes Frites: Germans eat a lot of french fries, but probably not quite as much as Americans. They use the the French name, pronounced "pome frit", but often refer to them as "Pommes" (pommies). NOTE: If you order Pommes Frites in Germany, they might ask you if you want "Ketschup oder Majo" with that. Yes, Germans eat french fries with mayonnaise!

    Other Foods

    • der Wein
    • die Milch
    • der Tee
    • das Wasser
    • die Nudeln
    • das Fleisch
    • das Schweinefleisch
    • das Rindfleisch
    • der Fisch

Expressions related to eating

  • essen
    ich essewir essen
    du isstihr esst
    er isst
    sie isst
    es isst
    sie essen
    Sie essen
  • schmecken: Das Hähnchen schmeckt sehr gut. Die Suppe schmeckt nicht so gut. "The chicken tastes good. The soup tastes not so good."
  • bestellen: Wir bestellen eine Pizza für die Party. "We are ordering a pizza for the party."
  • lecker: Die Schockolade ist sehr lecker! "The chocolate is delicious!"
  • süß: Die Torte hat zu viel Zucker und ist zu süß. "The cake has too much sugar and is too sweet."
  • salzig: Die Brezeln sind in dieser Bäckerei sehr salzig. "The pretzels in this bakery are very salty."
  • scharf: Vorsicht! Der Chilipfeffer ist scharf. "Watch out! The chili pepper is (spicy) hot."
  • mild: Die Soße ist nicht so scharf, sondern ziemlich mild. "The sauce is not spicy, but rather somewhat mild."
  • fad: Das Essen braucht Salz und Pfeffer. Es ist jetzt zu fad. "The food needs salt and pepper. Now it is too bland."

Übung 3-1a Was isst du gern? Fragen Sie andere Leute, was sie gern essen und trinken!
Trinkst du Kaffee gern? Nein, ich trinke Kaffee nicht gern. (Ja, ich trinke Kaffee gern.)
Was trinkst du gern? Was isst du gern? Was trinkst du nicht gern? Was isst du nicht gern?
(See Seite 2 for fruits and vegetables.) Vokabular-Quiz im BOLT.



 Partner/in 1: ___________________


 Partner/in 2: ____________________

gern essen



nicht gern essen



gern trinken



nicht gern trinken




Übung 3-1b: Wie schmeckt's? See the expressions related to eating and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Make sure the verbs agree with the subjects. In BOLT.

  1. Manfred ______________ (eats) Fleisch nicht gern aber Fisch ________________ (tastes) ihm gut.
  2. Die Currysoße ist bestimmt nicht __________________ (bland). Sie ist echt _______________________ (spicey).
  3. Im Restaurant _____________________ (order) wir das Jägerschnitzel; es ist echt _____________________ (tasty).
  4. ________________ (eat) du morgens Frühstück? Ich ____________________ (eat) immer Frühstück.
  5. Das Essen ist zu _________________ (salty). Ich _________________ (drink) jetzt Wasser.
  6. Ist der Kuchen sehr ___________________ (sweet)? Nein, aber er __________________ (tastes) _____________ (tasteless).