Patricia Beyer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Geography & Geosciences

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

243 Hartline Science Center  Telephone: 570-389-4570

Office Hours:  Summer 2006  Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2 - 3 p.m.     Tuesday, Thursday  5 - 6 p.m.




41-105 Environmental Issues & Choices


Water Resources Management

51-370 Surface Hydrology

Fun Stuff






Fall 2005

41-105  Environmental Issues and Choices   HSC 120

Section 05    Monday, Wednesday, Friday      11 - 11:50 a.m.   

Section 06    Monday, Wednesday, Friday      12 - 12:50 p.m.


A copy of the textbook is on two-hour reserve at the

Circulation Desk of Andruss Library under the call number x1701.


"Oil and ANWR" Booklist on - check this list if you are interested in reading a book about oil, the Arctic or wilderness, as we have been discussing in class.


Websites used in lectures on oil and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge


Book Review Assignment, due November 9, 2005

        Book lists to browse:

            Ron Watter's Outdoor Book Review Page

            Friends of the National Zoo Must-Read List

            ASLE (Association for the Study of Literature and Environment) Bibliographies

            New York - New Jersey Trail Conference Hoeferlin Memorial Library Bibliographies

            Summer Reading List for the Environmental Studies Program at University of Chicago

            Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise "Book Store"


Syllabus (MSWord document)