Modern European Intellectual History (Spring 2011)

42.346.01 (Weds., 6:00-9:00 PM)

Professor:  M. Hickey    Office:  OSH 130  x-4161 

Office hours:  T-Th, 2:00-3:15; Wed., 1:00-2:45 and 5:30-6:00.

Navigation links for this syllabus:   

Basic course information

Course Policies:

Explanation of Graded Assignments


Weekly Syllabus


Links to Hickey's "old" Western Civ. Since 1650 Lecture Outlines, for extra background on the Industrial Revolution, etc.



Course Introduction:




This course is an introduction to Modern European Intellectual History.  We will examine case studies of major movements and thinkers, considered in their historical contexts.  The greatest emphasis will be given to the period 1789-1950.  Among the topics on which we shall focus are



If you take your work in this course seriously, it will help you:

  1. Build a base of useful knowledge about major currents of modern thought
  2. Apply critical thinking skills to understanding major intellectual and cultural movements in their historical contexts
  3. Apply critical reading skills to understanding major intellectual and cultural movements in their historical contexts
  4. Apply analytical writing skills to explain and interpret aspects of modern intellectual history

It is my hope that this course will help you "think historically" about major thinkers and intellectual/cultural movements.  In other words, that the course will help you understand the ideas of key thinkers, but also will encourage you to use historical methods to understand those ideas in historical context.  I am convinced that doing so can enrich your understanding of human cultures and societies in the past and in the present. 




This is a seminar class, with a very heavy emphasis in this course on reading and writing.  The basic methods employed in this course will be: 




Required Texts:

The following books are required.  (The titles are linked to study questions.) You must have these specific editions: 


Grade Components and Grade Scale

Your grade in this course is based upon: 

Course grade scale: 



Mandatory Verification that you have read the syllabus and are aware of course policies and procedures


You must read this syllabus and then sign a form verifying that you: a) have read this syllabus; b) are aware of course policies and procedures.    Follow this link to fill out the form:   Link to the "Verification Document" Form


If you have questions about the syllabus, course policies, or assignments, it is your responsibility to ask those questions (in class, or after class, or in my office hours, or by email).  It is my responsibility to answer those questions as clearly and directly as possible.  


I will not grade any of your quizzes, exams, or papers until you have verified that you have read the syllabus (etc).


Plagiarism Policy

This class has a  zero tolerance policy regarding plagiarism and all other forms of cheating. 

For the definitions of plagiarism and cheating that apply in this course, see this link on plagiarism.  

For the University's Academic Integrity Policy and an explanation of the appeals process regarding violations of academic integrity, see the online version of the  BU student handbook, The Pilot.  

If I determine that you have cheated or plagiarized on any assignment, I will strictly follow university guidelines: 

  1. You will receive a failing grade for the assignment

  2. I will file a formal report with BU’s Student Standards Board.  This can lead to your academic dismissal.

  3. If you have cheated or plagiarized on more than one assignment, you will fail the entire course.


Attendance (Mandatory)


Your grade in the entire course will drop in direct proportion to your unexcused absences. 


Example:  Student X has 950 out of the 1000 possible points on graded assignments (an A).

                     Student X missed 20 percent of class sessions with unexcused absences

                     200 points will be deducted from Student X's course grade, which becomes 750 points (a C).




Excused Absences and Late Assignments

Excused absences:  

A student misses class because of illness, a family emergency, or a University-related event, but has either:

a) informed the instructor in writing in advance, or

b) after the fact, provides the instructor with University-approved documentation excusing the absence. 


Late Assignments

Assignments are due on the date and at the time indicated in the syllabus. 

10 percent of the possible grade total will be deducted from the grade of a paper that is late, with an additional 10 percent deducted for each additional day that it is late. 

At the instructor's discretion, this policy may be waved in the case of medical or other emergencies. 


Graded Assignments:

Participation (20 percent of course grade; 200 points possible): 

This course is a seminar.  It requires your active participation every week.  For this reason, participation accounts for 20 percent of your course grade.  It is your responsibility to attend every class session having completed the week's reading assignments and having prepared answers to the week's study questions. 

I expect you to:

Your participation grade will be based upon both the frequency and the quality of your contributions to the discussions each week.  The final participation grade will be the average of grades from each week during the semester. 

Paper One (20 percent of course grade; 200 points possible): 

Write a 5-7 page paper that takes a position on the following statement:

At first glance, Mary Shelly's Frankenstein and The Autobiography of John Stuart Mill might seem so different as to defy comparative analysis.  And yet, at a fundamental level, both books reveal a struggle to come to terms with the intellectual legacies of the Enlightenment and the "Dual Revolutions" (the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution).  Both authors were steeped in late Enlightenment rationalism, yet also were pulled strongly towards Romanticism.  Both grappled with the "limits" of scientific approaches to human nature, the nature of individual liberty, and the relationship between the individual and the community.  In some regards, their conclusions regarding these problems were actually quite similar.

Do you agree with this statement?  If so, explain why and provide specific evidence that proves your point by developing the comparative analysis.

Do you disagree with this statement?  If so, explain why and provide specific evidence that proves your point by developing the comparative analysis.


Paper Two (30 percent of course grade; 300 points possible): 

Using as your main sources the writings of Karl Marx and of Alexis de Tocqueville, write a 7-10 page paper in which you compare and contrast how Marx and de Tocqueville understood the major problems confronting western civilization in the mid-19th century society.

You must address at least two of the following issues: 

    A.  the function of the state in a liberal capitalist society

    B. the social forces that shape an individual's identity and character

    C. the relationship between individuals and society

    D. the main causes of historical change 


Paper Three (30 percent of course grade; 300 points possible): 

Using as your main sources Freud's Civilization and its Discontents and Sartre's Nausea, write a 7-10 page paper in which you compare and contrast how Freud and Sartre understood all three of these issues:

A.  the relationship between the individual and society

B.  the nature/ problem of human freedom

C.  how humans create meaning in their lives


Weekly Syllabus of Readings and Assignments:


The reading load in this course can be heavy.  Certain weeks have large reading assignments, and may coincide with your other exams (etc).  So  you must be very careful in planning your reading schedule.  Master making effective use of your time!


Week I  Weds. 19 Jan.  Introductions


Week II   Weds. 26 Jan.  The Enlightenment

The French Enlightenment

The German Enlightenment:

The Anglo-Scottish Enlightenment:

Answer linked study questions of web readings for week two.


Week III  Weds, 2 Feb.  The Enlightenment/  The Dual Revolutions and Romanticism.

Mini-Lecture and Discussion on "the Dual Revolutions"

Mini-Lecture and Discussion on Romanticism


Romanticism in British Literature


On the contrast between Enlightenment Classicism versus Early Romanticism in French Painting, compare

On early Romantic response to industrialization in English painting, see

For the most dramatic example of early Romanticism in music, I strongly urge you to listen to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, if only the final (choral) movement!.

Answer linked study questions on web readings for week three


Week IV Weds. 9 Feb.    Romanticism, Continued.

This week we discuss Frankenstein (click title for study questions). 


Week V  16 Feb.   The Dual Revolutions and Political Thought:  Conservativism and Liberalism

Readings on Conservativism:

Readings on Liberalism:

 Study questions on web readings for week five.


Week VI  23 Feb.     British Liberalism and Mid-Nineteenth Century Social Theory:  John Stuart Mill


 The Autobiography of John Stuart Mill (click on title for study questions)



Week VII  2 March    Varieties of Early Socialist Thought and an Introduction to Karl Marx


Readings:  1)  Pre-Marxist Socialist Thought ("Utopians" and Anarchism): 

        Study questions on web readings for week seven.

                2) Introduction to Karl Marx:  The Portable Karl Marx, pp. xi-xiv (Kamenka's "Introduction"), and pp. 5-71 ("Marx the Man:  Documents, Letters, Reminiscences").

        Linked Marx study questions





Week IX  16 March         Marx and Mid-Nineteenth Century Social Theory

Readings:  Karl Marx, The Portable Karl Marx  selections from

We will discuss these general issues:

To get at these issues, though, we have to deal with a lot of difficult material. 

For that reason, You MUST answer the questions in the linked Marx study questions

I may assign specific sections for group or individual reports.


Week X  23 March     Further Discussion of Marx /  de Tocqueville and Mid-Nineteenth Century Social Theory

6-7:15  pm:  Discuss general questions on Marx  (see above in syllabus)


7: 30-9 pm:  Discussion of Tocqueville, based on individual reports


Alexis de Tocqueville on Democracy, Revolution, and Society Introduction (pp. 1-46) and Chapters 5-8, 10 (pp. 163-319, 348-379)

LINKED de Tocqueville study guide and questions.

Report Assignments:

Question:  How did de T understand the nature of Freedom and Liberty, and how did he understand the relationship between freedom and equality?     REPORTERS: Boucher, Arnold, Barrett, Doutre

Question:  How did de T understand the functions and purposes of the state, esp, in “modern” society?   REPORTERS:  Hank,  Greene, Moore, Schultheis

Question:  How did de T. understand the main forces that drive history—the causes of historical change?   REPORTERS:  Weinger , Shatrowskas, Stadnik, Veney, Belles  


Week XI  30 March    Further discussion of de Tocqueville and Mid-Nineteenth Century Social Theory


Alexis de Tocqueville on Democracy, Revolution, and Society Introduction (pp. 1-46) and Chapters 5-8, 10 (pp. 163-319, 348-379)

Questions:  See posted study question (study guide).  Discussion of questions 1, 2, 3, and 7.  I WILL CALL ON INDIVIDUALS TO ANSWER



We also will discuss transformations in the arts in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 

Please take a look at the paintings by

Renoir, at (1874) and (1881)

Monet, at (1890-91)

Van Gogh at and (1889)

Gauguin at (1889) and at (1894)

Picasso at (1904, 1910)

Braques, Leger, and Piccasso, etc. (various Cubist paintings. 1907-1914) at

Kandinskii at (1908), (1909), and (1911).

If you have a chance to do so, find a copy and listen to Stravinskii's Rites of Spring (1913), a path-breaking pre-war composition that paid homage to paganism.


Week XII  6 April   Late Nineteenth Century Thought--from Science to Irrationalism; Irrationalism and Social Theory

Paper 2 due on 8 April by 5 PM


Assigned to Dan Bucher, Scott, and JT

Assigned to Jeff and Sarah

Assigned to Marissa and Jarrod

Assigned to Dan Barrett, Jon and Mark

Assigned to Glen and Brett

Assignment:  Each of you are assigned to read specific documents (see above). 

To get at these issues, I want you to Answer linked study questions.


Week XIII   13 April      World War One and the Death of Progress/ Freud and Psychology as History


Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents (click on title for study questions)


Week XIV 13 April    The Power of the Irrational.  Freud, Fascism and Nazism.

We will being by discussing Freud.


Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents


We will focus on these three issues of Freud's late thought:

A.  the relationship between the individual and society

B.  the nature/ problem of human freedom

C.  how humans create meaning in their lives

To get at these, we will begin with the linked study questions


If we have time, we will discuss the "intellectual" basis of Fascism and Nazism.


Please note that there are several full-text versions of Mein Kampf online.  Many re posted by neo-Nazi groups--for instance, ""  PLEASE NOTE that if you visit these sites, they will collect information from your computer, and you may end up on their mailing lists....

Adolf Hitler Reichstag Speech 20 February 20, 1938  at

Also, please browse through documents and read anything that interests you at: 

In particular, I want you to think about how the ideas of Hitler and the Nazis relate to our previous readings.


Week XV 27 April    World War Two and Existentialism

If we have time, I will give a "mini-lecture" on main currents of Soviet intellectual life.  But we will spend almost all of the evening discussing Existentialism.


Sartre, Nausea


We will have a "free" discussion of the novel.  But I want you to think in particular about what Sartre is saying about:

A.  the relationship between the individual and society

B.  the nature/ problem of human freedom

C.  how humans create meaning in their lives


Finals Week:  Your final paper is due by 6 pm on Weds, 4 May.