Rier Laboratory

Stream Ecosystem Ecology

Bloomsburg University

Jenni Soohy

M.S. student


Jenni’s research is focused on discovering the optimal growth conditions of cyanobacterial mats in Fishing Creek near Bloomsburg. She especially enjoys using a pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) fluorometer to measure photosynthetic capacity and efficiency. She also monitors stream quality and function before and after stream restoration projects for the Chesapeake Conservancy as a part of their Precision Conservation program


Steven T. Rier, Ph.D.


Biological and Allied Health Sciences

Bloomsburg University

400 East Second Street

Bloomsburg, PA 17815


Corey Conville

M.S. student (graduated May 2018)


Comparison of macroinvertebrate bioindicators to ecosystem function across a gradient of agricultural impairment


Aaron Gordon-Weaver

M.S. student


Patterns in biofilm utilization of temporally available phosphorus and sediment

Emily Ashberry

M.S. student


Understanding the environmental context of algal priming of course particulate organic matter decomposition in streams

Copyright Steven T. Rier