Rier Laboratory

Stream Ecosystem Ecology

Bloomsburg University


Steven T. Rier, Ph.D.


Biological and Allied Health Sciences

Bloomsburg University

400 East Second Street

Bloomsburg, PA 17815



Hartzell, S.M. and S.T. Rier. 2017. A crayfish survey of the fishing creek watershed in northeastern Pennsylvania suggests widespread prevalence of a nonindigenous species and the absence of a native congener. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 91:1-10.


Rier, S.T.,  K.C. Kinek, S.E. Hay and S.N. Francoeur. 2016. Polyphosphate plays a vital role in the phosphorus dynamics of stream periphyton. Freshwater Science 35:490-502.


Tucker-Serniak, L., C. Corbin, A. Pitt, S. Rier. 2016. The effects of Japanese Knotweed on avian diversity and function in riparian habitats. Journal of Ornithology.


Rier, S.T., J. M. Shirvinski and K. C. Kinek. 2014. In-situ light and phosphorus manipulations reveal potential role of biofilm algae in enhancing enzyme-mediated decomposition of organic matter in streams. Freshwater Biology 59:1039-1051.


30 Authors including S.T.  Rier.  2014. US EPA Expert Workshop: Nutrient Enrichment Indicators in Streams. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Washington, D.C. http://www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2013-09/documents/indicatorsworkshop.pdf.


Francoeur, S. N., S. T. Rier, and S. B. Whorley. 2013. Methods for Sampling and Analyzing Wetland Algae. Pages 1–58 in J. T. Anderson and C. A. Davis, editors. Wetland Techniques: Volume 2: Organisms. Springer, The Netherlands.


Kelly, J. J., E. Peterson, J. Winkelman, T. J. Walter, S. T. Rier, and N. C. Tuchman. 2013. Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Impacts Abundance and Diversity of Nitrogen Cycling Functional Genes in Soil. Microbial Ecology. 65:394-404.


Bott, T., J. Jackson, M. McTammany, J. Newbold, S. Rier, B. Sweeney, and J. Battle. 2012. Abandoned coal mine drainage and its remediation: Impacts on stream ecosystem structure and function. Ecological Applications 22:2144–2163.


Rier, S. T., K.S. Nawrocki, and J.C. Whitley 2011.  Response of biofilm extracellular enzymes along a stream nutrient enrichment gradient in an agricultural region of North Central Pennsylvania, USA. Hydrobiologia 669:119–131.


Kelly, J. J., A. Bansal, J. Winkelman, L. R. Janus, S. Hell, M. Wencel, P. Belt, K. A. Kuehn, S. T. Rier, and N. C. Tuchman. 2010. Growth of trees under elevated atmospheric CO2 alters microbial communities colonizing leaf litter in a temperate woodland stream. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 47: 4950–4959.


Rier, S. T., K. A. Kuehn, and  S. N. Francoeur 2007.  Algal regulation of extracellular enzyme activity in stream microbial communities associated with both inert substrata and detritus.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26: 439-449.


Rier, S. T., R. J. Stevenson, and G. LaLiberte 2006.  Photo-acclimation response of benthic stream algae across experimentally manipulated light gradients: A comparison of growth rates and net primary productivity.  Journal of Phycology 42:560-567.


Rier, S. T. and R. J. Stevenson.  2006 Response of periphytic algae to gradients in nitrogen and phosphorus in streamside mesocosms. Hydrobiologia 561:131-147.


Stevenson, R. J., S. T. Rier, C. Riseng, R. Schultz, and M. J. Wiley. 2006. Comparing effects of nutrients on algal biomass in streams in 2 ecoregions with different disturbance regimes. Hydrobiologia 561:149-165.


Tuchman, N. C., M. A. Schollett, S. T. Rier 2006. Differential heterotrophic utilization of 95 organic compounds by diatoms and bacteria under light and dark conditions.  Hydrobiologia 561:167-177.


Rier, S.T., N. C. Tuchman, and R. G. Wetzel. 2005. Chemical changes to leaf litter from trees grown under elevated CO2 and the implications for microbial utilization in a stream ecosystem. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 185-194.


Rier, S.T., N. C. Tuchman, R. G. Wetzel, and J. A. Teeri. 2002. Elevated CO2 induced changes in the chemistry of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michaux) leaf litter:  Subsequent decomposition and microbial response in a stream ecosystem. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 21: 16-27.


Janus, L.R., N.L. Angeloni, J. McCormack, S.T. Rier, N.C. Tuchman, and J.J. Kelly. 2005. Elevated atmospheric CO2 alters soil microbial communities associated with trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) roots. Microbial Ecology 50: 102-109.


Rier, S. T. and R. J. Stevenson. 2002. The effects of labile dissolved organic carbon, inorganic nutrients and light on algal-bacterial relationships in stream periphyton. Hydrobiologia. 489: 179-184.


Tuchman, N. C., R. G. Wetzel, S. T. Rier, K. A. Wahtera, and J. A. Teeri  2002.  Elevated Atmospheric CO2 lowers leaf litter nutritional quality for stream ecosystems. Global Change Biology 8: 145-152.


Rier, S. T. and R. J. Stevenson. 2001. Relation of environmental factors to density of epilithic lotic bacteria in 2 ecoregions. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 20: 588-600.


Rier, S. T. and D. K. King 1996. Effects of inorganic sedimentation and riparian clearing on benthic community metabolism in an agriculturally-disturbed stream. Hydrobiologia 339: 111-121.


Copyright Steven T. Rier