Standard Probability and Statistics Tables and Formulae
Daniel Zwillinger
Stephen Kokoska

If you find errata, please email us.

  1. Section 2.1.5, Chernoff faces, page 8:
    The description of the data and the figures do not agree.
    The correct Chernoff faces corresponding to the data are given below.

  2. Section 3.1, ALGEBRA OF SETS, page 23, Figures 3.1-3.4:
    The shading in the figures is not clear.
    The figures are given below.
    Figure 3.1: Shaded region = A'. Figure 3.2: Shaded region = A È B.
    Figure 3.3: Shaded region = A Ç B. Figure 3.4: Mutually exclusive sets.

  3. Section 4.6.6, Midrange and range, page 63:
    In the first two sentences, the close parentheses do not match the open parentheses in X(n).
    The right parenthesis is too large.

  4. Section 6.6.2, Probability density function, page 127:
    The graph labels l=.5 and l=2 are reversed.
    For l=2 the pdf passes through the point (0,2).
    For l=.5 the pdf passes through the point (0,.5).

  5. Section 6.9.3, Related Distributions, page 139
    Let X1,X2,...,Xn be independent gamma random variables with parameters ai and b for i = 1, 2, ¼ , n.

    The random variable Y = X1 + X2 + ... + Xn has a gamma distribution with parameters a = a 1 + a 2 + ... + a n and b.

  6. Section 6.15.3, Noncentral Chi-Square Distribution, page 146

  7. Section 6.27, RELATIONSHIPS AMONG DISTRIBUTIONS, page 161, line 1:
    "Figure 6.27 presents ..." should be "Figure 6.28 presents ..."

  8. Section 8.9, Estimators for Mean and Standard Deviation in Small Samples, page 193:
    The heading on the second table has a bold "w".
    It should be a bold math italic "w".
    It should read:
    Estimating standard deviation s from the sample range w.

  9. Section 9.2, Common Critical Values, page 196
    The last line has "... page 6.4.4, ..."
    It should say "... page 120, ..."

  10. Section 10.8, page 241

  11. Notation, page 262:
    The formula for Sxy contains an errant power of 2.
    It should be:

  12. Section 11.1.2, Sum of squares, page 263

  13. Section 17.3 Kalman Filtering, page 431
    Note 3 contains "\\" which is eroneous.

  14. Section 17.5.4, Stationary distributions, page 437
    The two step transition matrix should have a last line of
    3/16    3/4    1/16
    The steady-state distribution is correct.

  15. Section, Vibonacci numbers, page 449
    The vibonacci numbers are defined by
    vn = vn-1 ± vn-1 should be
    The vibonacci numbers are defined by vn = vn-1 ± vn-2

  16. Section 17.15.4, Stochastic integration, Equation 17.90, page 463
    The equation has a small "w" that should be a capital W.
    The correction equation is:

  17. Section 17.16.7, Buffon's needle problem, page 468

  18. Section, Card games, page 469
    "distinct 13-card poker hands" should be "distinct 5-card poker hands"

  19. Section 17.16.13, Envelope problem "paradox", page 473
    The end of the quote, "sometime" should be "something."

  20. Section 17.16.14, Gambler's ruin problem, page 473