The table below contains a list and brief description of the TI-82 calculator programs presented in the Graphing Calculator Manual to accompany Foundations of Statistics by Warren Hawley.
Program | Description |
ANOVA | Conducts a one-way analysis of variance. |
BAYES | Computes probabilities associated with Bayes' Rule. |
BOXMOD | Constructs a modified boxplot, indicating mild and extreme outliers. |
CCHART | Draws a control chart with control limits, based on the mean and standard deviation. |
CDFBIN | Computes cumulative probability for a binomial random variable. |
CDFPOIS | Computes cumulative probability for a Poisson random variable. |
CDFZ | Computes cumulative probability for a standard normal random variable. |
CHEBY | Constructs intervals about the mean according to Chebyshev's Theorem. |
CHEBYINT | Constructs a confidence interval for a population mean based on Chebyshev's Theorem. |
CHISQCRT | Computes a critical value associated with a chi-square distribution; used by other programs. |
CHISQINT | Constructs a confidence interval for a population variance based on a chi-square distribution. |
CHISQPRB | Computes cumulative probability for a chi-square random variable; used by other programs to return the P value associated with a hypothesis test. |
CHISQTST | Conducts a hypothesis test for a population variance based on a chi-square distribution. |
CIRCLE | Draws a pie chart |
COEFVAR | Computes the coefficient of variation. |
CONTING | Contingency table analysis. |
CORRTEST | Conducts a hypothesis test for a population correlation based on the t and Z distribution models. |
EMPRULE | Constructs three symmetric intervals about the mean according to the emprical rule. |
ESTMED | Computes an estimate of the median from grouped data. |
ESTMODE | Computes an estimate of the mode from grouped data. |
EXP | Computes the expected vlaue for a discrete random variable. |
FENCES | Computes the inner and outer fences; used in drawing a boxplot. |
FPROB | Computes the cumulative probability associated with an F distribution; used by other programs to return the P value associated with a hypothesis test. |
FREQDIST | Constructs a frequency distribution. |
FTEST | Conducts a two-sample hypothesis test involving population variances based on an F distribution. |
GAMMA | Evaluates the gamma function for integers and k/2, k=1,2,3,...; used by other programs. |
GEOMEAN | Computes the geometric mean. |
GOODBIN | Conducts a goodness-of-fit test for a binomial distribution. |
GOODNORM | Conducts a goodness-of-fit test for a normal distribution. |
HARMMEAN | Computes the harmonic mean. |
IQR | Computes the interquartile range. |
ICDFZ | Inverse cumulative distribution function for a standard normal random variable. |
MEANGRP | Computes an estimate of the sample mean for grouped data. |
MIDRANGE | Computes the midrange for a set of observations. |
MODE | Computes the mode for a set of observations. |
NOTCH | Computes the notch width and constructs a confidence interval for the true median. |
PERCENT | Computes percentiles. |
PERMUTE | Computes a generalized permutation; the number of distiguishably different permutations when not all objects are distinct. |
PIINT | Constructs a confidence interval for a population proportion. |
PITEST | Conducts a hypothesis test for a population proportion based on the standard normal distribution. |
PITEST2 | Conducts a two-sample hypothesis test for population proportions and constructs a confidence interval for the difference in population proportions; based on the standard normal distribution. |
PVAR | Computes the population variance. |
RANDOM | Generates a simple random sample, with or without replacement. |
RANGE | Computes the sample range for a set of observations. |
RANK | Ranks a set of observations from smallest to larges. |
REGCI | For regression analysis; constructs a confidence interval for the mean response and for a random value. |
REGRESS | Computes simple linear regression coefficients, conducts hypothesis tests, and stores the ANOVA table. |
RUNS | Conducts a runs test using the normal distribution model. |
SEMEAN | Computes the sample standard deviation and the estimated standard error of the mean. |
SIGNTEST | Conducts a sign test based on the binomial and the normal distribution model. |
SPEARMAN | Conducts a hypothesis test for correlation based on Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. |
SVAR | Computes the sample variance. |
SVARGRP | Computes an estimate of the sample standard deviation and sample variance for grouped data. |
TCRIT | Computes critical values associated with a t distribution; used by other programs. |
TINT | Constructs a confidence interval for a population mean based on a t distribution. |
TPROB | Computes cumulative probability associated with a t distribution; used by other programs to return the P value associated with a hypothesis test. |
TRIMMEAN | Computes a trimmed mean. |
TTEST | Conducts a hypothesis test for a population mean based on a t distribution. |
TTEST2 | Options for 3 two-sample hypothesis test involving population menas and confidence intervals for the difference in population means; based on a t distribution (two-sample t test, approximate t test, and paired t test). |
VAR | Computes the variance for a discrete random variable. |
WEIGHTM | Computes critical values associated with the standard normal distribution; used by other programs. |
ZINT | Constructs a large sample confidence interval for a population mean. |
ZPROB | Computes cumulative probability associated with a standard normal distribution; used by other programs to return the P value associated with a hypothesis test. |
ZTEST | Conducts a hypothesis test for a population mena based on the standard normal distribution. |
ZTEST2 | Conducts a two-sample hypothesis test for population means and constructs a confidence interval for the difference in population means based on the standard normal distribution. |