Stephen Kokoska
Professor of Mathematics
President, APSCUF/BU
Director, Bloomsburg University Honors
Chief Reader, AP Calculus
Texas Instruements T^3 Certified Instructor
of Mathematics, Computer Science,
& Statistics
Bloomsburg University
400 East Second Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Office: (570)
Introductory Statistics: A Problem Solving Approach, First Edition, Published by WH Freeman
Biographical Information
Calculator Statistics Programs
Standard Probability and
Statistics Tables and Formulae, errata
Standard Probability and Statistics
Tables and Formulae, Student Edition, errata
How to succeed in a mathematics
Are your ready for calculus?
Recent Presentations
AP Calculus Workshop, September 2013: Qingdao Confucius International School, Qingdao, China
AP National Conference, Orlando, July 2012: Results from the 2012 Calculus AB and BC Exams
NCTM Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 2012: Grading the AP Calculus Exam
Choate Academy, April 2012, AP Calculus: Recent Themes and Freshman Dreams
T^3 2012 International Conference, March 2012: CAS Issues in AP Calculus
AP fair and two-day AP Calculus workshop, Shanghai, China, December 2011
PCTM Conference, State College, Fall 2011: A Tale of Three Tangents, a tns file with several examples here
MathFest 2011, Lexington, KY: AP Calculus: Facts, Figures, and FAQs
AP National Conference, San Francisco, July 2011: Results from the 2011 AP Calculus AB and BC Exams
PDA Stats:
Statistics Software for Handheld Devices
For more information: PDA
Stats Home Page
View screenshots, try an online demo, and check purchase
Draft PDA Stats manual: pdf format
or Word format.
College Board Presentations
Fifty Famous Curves: handout,
some solutions,
Mathematica notebook.
Pre-AP Strategies in Mathematics: Functions.
L'Hopital's Rule.
Let's Get Series(ous).
Recent Themes and Theme Parks in AP
The Accumulation Function.
Applications of the Definite Integral.
Dan Kennedy's AP Calculus Exam Tips.
WebMathematica and Statistics
The Binomial Distribution