Conference Presentations Since 1995
A Random Effects Binomial Model for the Distribution of Counts in Developmental Toxicity Experiments. DAGStat 2013, March 2013, Freiburg, Germany
Logit versus Probit as Link Functions in the Generalized Linear Models for Data Mining Applications. International Conference on Data Mining, Hong Kong, March 2012
Using Mixed Distributions to Model Count Data with Applications. Joint Mathematics Meetings. Boston, January 2012.
A New Approach to Modeling Count Data in Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity Experiments, Challenges in Statistics and Operations Research, Kuwait City, Kuwait, March 2011.
Poisson Approximation of the Poisson-Lindley Distribution, Joint Mathematics Meeting, New Orleans, January 2011. Mathematical Modeling as Capstone Course in Mathematics Curriculum and a Statistical Analysis of the MFT Test, SSHEMA, West Chester, PA, April 2010.
The Use of Skew-Normal Distribution for Dose-Response Modeling in Toxicological Experiments, Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, January 2010
Application of the EM Algorithm in Double Quadratic Modeling for Estimating the Effects of Hormetic Chemicals, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing with Application, Agadir, Morocco May 2009
Some Remarks on Statistical Methods for Design and Analysis of Microarray Experiments. EngOpt 2008, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2008.
Modeling Continuous Data in Animal Bioassay Experiments for Dose Response Analysis. International Conference on Trends and Challenges in Applied Mathematics, Bucharest, Romania, June 2007.
Animal Carcinogenicity Experiments in Cancer Risk Assessment. The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Association for Environmental Health and Sciences, March 2006, San Diego, CA.
Incorporating Susceptibility in Risk Assessment Using a Mixture Dose-Response Model. The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Association for Environmental Health and Sciences, March 2005, San Diego, CA.
Some Statistical Issues in Data Mining. International
Conference on Mathematics, Nuclear Physics and Applications in the 21st century.
March 2003, Cairo, Egypt.
Implication of Hormesis
in developmental toxicology risk assessment. Non-Linear Dose-Response
Relationships in Biology, Toxicology and Medicine. Amherst, MA, June2002.
Statistical Methods for
risk assessment of toxic chemicals in the environment. Fourth International
Conference on Environmetrics and Chemometrics. September 2000, Las Vegas , NV.
An extension of the EM algorithm for optimization of constrained likelihood:
An application in toxicology. International Conference on Statistics in the 21st
Century, June 2000, Orono, ME.
Developmental Toxicity Risk Estimation in Heterogeneous Populations.
International Biometric Society: Eastern North American Region Annual
conference, March 1999, Atlanta, GA.
Statistical Models for Toxicity Assessment of Chemical Mixtures. Statistics
for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Gordon Research Conference, June 1998,
Newport, RI.
Estimation of Response Probability when Sample Shows no Occurrence. Society
for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Washington DC, December 1997.
Dose-Response Modeling of Developmental Neurotoxic Effect. International
Statistical Institute, 51st Session, Istanbul Turkey, August 1997.
Quantifying Risk for Toxic Chemicals in the Environment. International
Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment, Cambridge, MA, June 1997.
Analysis of Responses from Developmental Toxicity Experiments in
Non-Homogeneous Populations. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, New
Orleans, LA, December 1996.
The Use of Mixture Models for Dose-Response Studies in Teratological
Experiments. Meeting on "Modeling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated
Data," Nantucket, MA, October 1996.
A Class of Dose-Response Models for Risk Assessment of Developmental Toxic
Effects in Non-Homogeneous Populations. USEPA National Health and Environmental
Effects Research Laboratory, Susceptibility and Risk Symposium, Durham, NC,
September 1996.
Estimating a Distribution Function with Orthogonal Series. Joint Mathematics
Meetings. Orlando, FL, January 1996.
Dose-Response Modeling of Continuous Responses from Developmental
Neurotoxicity Experiments. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Honolulu,
HI, December 1995.
A Bayesian Approach to Testing the Equality of Means when Sample Sizes are
Random. First Conference on Applied Statistical Science. Lawrenceville, NJ, May