Books and Book Chapters
Razzaghi, M. and Nanthakumar, A. (1996). A Bayesian approach to testing the equality of means when the sample sizes are random. In "Applied Statistical Science, I," M. Ahsanullah and D.S. Bhoj, eds. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 69-79.
Razzaghi, M. (1998). Lehmann Alternatives. In "Encyclopedia of Biostatistics," Vol.3, P.
Armitage and T. Colton, eds., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 221-223.
Razzaghi, M. (1999). Quantitative risk assessment for developmental toxicants in non-homogeneous populations. In "Statistics for the Environment," Vol. 4, V. Barnett, A. Stein and K.F. Turkman eds., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 209-222.
Razzaghi, M. (2005). On the Distribution of the Reference Dose and Its Application in Health Risk Assessment. In Advances on Models ,Characterizations, and Applications, N. Balakrishnan, I. Bairamov and O. Gebizlioglu eds., CRC press, 169 - 182.
Razzaghi, M. Introduction to Statistics. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2010.