Nazi Germany
I) The breakdown of democracy--the 1930-33 political crisis and the appointment
of Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933
II) Nazi consolidation of power in 1933-1934
Spring and early summer 1933:
Reichstag fire
Hindenburg gives Hitler special emergency powers
Nazi "electoral victory"
"Enabling Act" allows Hitler to rule without any constitutional constraints or limits
Nazis shut down all political
opposition, shut down free press, outlaw strikes, etc.
1933-1934, non-Nazi nationalists purged from government
Summer 1934:
purge of Hitler's rivals from Nazi party
"Night of the Long Knives"
death of Hindenburg, plebiscite to
designate Hitler as "The Leader" (August 1934)
III) Nazi political/state system
No constitutional restraints
"Fuhrer power"
"Working towards the Fuhrer"
IV) Nazi economic policy
capitalist economic planning (multi-year state economic plans)
economic autarky
emphasis on military economy
economic recovery in 1934-1936
from late 1936 the economy shows signs of problems
(weakening consumer economy)
V) Nazi propaganda policy
function of propaganda is to convince people that they really want the Nazis and
really support Nazi policies
among other methods, this involves banning access to all other ideas (book burnings, censorship)
also requires tight control over educational policy and strong emphasis on propaganda aimed at youth
example--creation of the Hitler Youth organization
VI) Nazi social policy
"Aryan race" as master race
strengthening the race by eliminating the weak
purifying the race by removing/eliminating its "racial enemies"--in particular Jews
anti-Jewish measures:
Nuremburg Laws and the definition of Germans and Jews
first stages of Jewish policy (1933-1937)= concentrate on definition, isolation, removal from public life, special taxes, etc., to pressure toward emigration
In 1938, anti-Jewish policy turns to open violence—Crystal
Night, ghettos, concentration and work camps [during the war, the Nazis would
also construct mass
death camps]
VII) Nazi foreign policy aims
racial unity and building the "Greater Reich"
repudiating the Versailles Treaty
German-dominated "Middle Europe"
"living space" and the German colonization of Eastern Europe
German "Middle Africa"
a "crusade" against "Jewish-Bolshevism"
VII) Fascist and Nazi aggression in the 1930s
1935, Italian invasion of Ethiopia
Hitler repudiates the Versailles Treaty
German reoccupation of the Saar district in the east
1936, German re-militarization of the Rhineland
German-Italian aid begins for Franco and the anti-Republicans in the Spanish Civil War
German-Japanese Anti-Comintern {anti USSR} Pact
1937, Italy joins the Anti-Comintern Pact
March, German occupation and
annexation of Austria
April-May, first crisis over the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia
Summer, failure of Soviet efforts to create an anti-German alliance
August-September, second crisis over the Sudetenland
29-30 September Munich Conference (leaders of Britain, France, Germany, and
1 October, German occupation of Sudetenland
March, German
occupation of the rest of Czechoslovakia
23 August, German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact signed
1 September, German invasion of western Poland
3 September, Britain and France declared
war on Germany
15 September, Soviet invasion of eastern Poland