Western Civ Since 1650 Section 4   FINAL EXAM

This exam has TWO sections.  You must answer BOTH sections. 

You must follow the mandatory paper format directions that are in the course syllabus. 

Email the exam to me as ONE document in MS Word (I will not accept any other program formats).  The email with your exam attached must be sent before 5 PM on Monday, 14 December.

SECTION A (1/2 of total exam grade):

Our lectures and the textbook argued that the meanings of "nationalism" and the ways nationalism was used in politics changed during the 1800s.  Before 1848, nationalism was an idea "associated with liberalism and democracy"; after 1848, it became "more and more closely aligned with conservative forces" (Kidner, p. 579).  Kidner argues that in the late 1800s conservative "integral nationalism" had much in common with theories of racial dominance (p. 644).  "Integral" nationalist ideas contributed to the outbreak of World War One and were a fundamental core of the thinking of the fascists in Italy and the Nazis in Germany.

Write a 3-4 page essay that explains:

a) the basic ideas behind the conservative "integral nationalism" that arose as a force in politics in the late 1800s. (This is weighted as 40 percent of the question's value.)

b) the ways that integral nationalism seems to have contributed to the outbreak of World War One---think about the Balkans but also about nationalism in other parts of Europe! (This is weighed as 20 percent of the question's value.)

c) the aspects of the fascist and Nazis world view that could be defined as "integral nationalism." (This is weighed as 40 percent of the question's value.)



*You must be sure that you consider our lecture notes, the Kidner textbook (chapters 22-27) and the web-linked document by Mussolini.

*Your answer must be in ESSAY form, with an introductory paragraph, at least 3 distinct body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. 

*You must explain ideas and examples in your own words--show that you understand what the text (etc) means by putting it into your own words (don't just be a parrot!).  

*Whenever you quote from the textbook, document, or lecture notes, you must put that quotation in quotation marks and provide a parenthetical citation to the source that indicates the page quoted.   [Examples:  (Kidner, p. 644); (Lecture notes on World War One);  (Mussolini document)] 

*Whenever you paraphrase, you MUST put the entire sentence in your own words AND provide a parenthetical citation to the source that indicates the page paraphrased.    

*Whenever you summarize, you MUST put the entire sentence in your own words AND provide a parenthetical citation to the source that indicates the page summarized.    


SECTION B (1/2 of total exam grade)

Viktor Klemperer was a college professor in who taught French literature in Dresden (in Germany).  He had served in the German Army during World War and thought of himself as a loyal German.  But because he was Jewish, he faced some anti-Jewish discrimination even before the Nazis came to power in 1933.  The book I Will  Bear Witness is Klemperer's diary from the years 1933-1941.  As you might expect, it includes observations about his family and his friends, the people he worked with at the university, and his day to day life.  But Klemperer's diary also includes many entries that discuss the impact of Nazi government's policies--especially its policies towards Jews.

Using Klemperer's diary, write a 3-4 page essay on either Topic I or Topic II:


TOPIC I:   How Jews in Germany understood the consequences of Nazi rule

Your essay must answer these 4 questions:

a) In 1933 and early 1934, what did Viktor Klemperer think Nazi rule would mean for Jews?  (How did he think it would impact their lives)?   (Weight=25 percent.)

b) Did other Jews Klemperer knew agree with him about this?  Explain. (Weight=10 percent.)

c) Did Klemperer's opinion about Nazi rule change over time?  For example, was it the same in January 1936 as in January 1933?  Was it the same in November 1938  as in January 1936?  By 1941, what did he think Nazi rule would mean for Jews?  (Weight= 35 percent.) 

d) Why did Klemperer's view of the consequences of Nazi rule change over time?  (What events and policies made him change his views?) (Weight = 25 percent.) 


TOPIC II:  How ordinary people in Germany (non-Jews who were not government or Nazi Party officials) behaved towards Jews under Nazi rule

Your essay must answer these 4 questions:

a) When did Klemperer, his family, and his Jewish acquaintances begin to experience open anti-Jewish hostility from ordinary Germans? (Weight = 25 percent.) 

b) What kinds of anti-Jewish hostility (from their neighbors, etc.) did they experience before November 1938? (Weight = 25 percent.)

c) What kinds of anti-Jewish hostility (from their neighbors, etc.) did they experience after November 1938?  (Weight = 25 percent.)

d) How did Klemperer understand the reasons for this intensifying hostility?  (What caused it and who was to blame?) (Weight = 25 percent.)



*To understand the background, you must review lecture notes and the Kidner textbook (chapters 26-27).

*Your essay must be based upon SPECIFIC evidence in  Klemperer's diary.

*Your answer must be in ESSAY form, with an introductory paragraph, at least 3 distinct body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. 

*You must explain ideas and examples in your own words (don't just be a parrot!).  

*Whenever you quote from an example, you must put that quotation in quotation marks and provide a parenthetical citation to the source that indicates the page quoted.   [Example:  (Klemperer, p. 154)]

*Whenever you paraphrase, you MUST put the entire sentence in your own words AND provide a parenthetical citation to the source that indicates the page paraphrased.    

*Whenever you summarize, you MUST put the entire sentence in your own words AND provide a parenthetical citation to the source that indicates the page summarized.