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Explanation of Grading Standards (Rubric) for Exam II,
Western Civilizations since 1650 (fall 2004)
There were 50 points possible in the essay section of the exam
45-50 points (an "A"; "excellent"): The essay
- focuses clearly on the question throughout
- demonstrates mastery of general background from the lectures and textbook
- makes explicit use of all assigned documents
- consistently presents clear analysis of the content of documents in
relation to the question
- consistently makes reference to specific examples from the documents
- presents a consistently logical analysis
- is free of major errors and free from major distortions of evidence
40-44 points ( a "B"; "good"): The essay
- generally remains focused on the question
- demonstrates an understanding of the general background from the lectures
and textbook
- makes use of some or all of the assigned documents
- presents some analysis of the content of documents in relation to the
- has some references to specific examples from the documents
- analysis is generally logical, but inconsistent
- contains some factual errors or distortions of evidence, but not at a
level that undermines the argument
35-39 points (a "C"; "satisfactory"): The essay
- does not remain consistently focused on the question
- demonstrates basic familiarity with the general background from the
lectures and textbook
- makes only cursory use of assigned documents
- presents minimal or no analysis of the content of documents in relation to
the question
- lacks adequate references to specific examples (is vague about evidence)
- analysis is not related to evidence, is underdeveloped, or consistently
- contains factual errors or distortions of evidence that undermine the
30-34 points (a "D"; "unsatisfactory"): The essay
- does not focus on the question, but has some minimal content related to
the topic
- demonstrates little familiarity with the general background from the
lectures and textbook
- makes either no reference or only a superficial reference to the assigned
- presents no analysis of the content of the documents in relation to the
- makes no use of references to specific evidence in relation to the
- presents no analysis in relation to the question, but does make some
logical argument related to the topic
- contains serious factual errors and distortions
0-29 points (an "E"; "failure"): The essay
- has no relation to the question, and shows no understanding of the topic
- demonstrates no clear familiarity with the general background from the
lectures and textbook
- makes either no reference or only a superficial reference to the assigned
- presents no analysis of the content of the documents in relation to the
- makes no use of references to specific evidence in relation to the
- presents no analysis in relation to the question and no logical argument
related to the topic
- is characterized primarily by factual errors and distortions