Russia to 1917 Syllabus


Group 1:  Sean, Robert, Steve, Heidi, Joe, Dan

Group 2:  John D., Jeremy, Serena, Matt, Phi, Eric

Group 3:  Jon F., Evan, John H., Josh, Ryan, Monica

42.356 Fall 2003

Study Questions, Week 13

Cracraft, pp. 344-58 Mackenzie Wallace on Mir and the Zemstvo (1877):  Group 1

Based on Wallace's discussion, explain the functions and duties of the mir.

How does the mir assure that all of its obligations are met?

How does the mir distribute land?

Why does Wallace consider the mir "constitutional" and "democratic"?

Who represented each household at the village assembly (skhod)? How was voting handled?

How did procedures in Southern provinces differ from those in the north?

How was land generally divided among households? Explain.

How does Wallace explain the functions of the zemstvo?

What was the relationship between the zemstvo and the peasant assemblies? The nobility?

Sum up Wallace's impressions of a district zemstvo assembly.

Why does Wallace describe zemstvo activists as "liberals"?

Cracraft, pp. 491-94, Hamburg, Nobility in Crisis:  Group 2

What created economic crisis for the great nobles?

What factors mobilized the nobles politically?

What positions did nobles take on industrialization, and how did they influence state policy?

What is Hamburg's main point?

Cracraft, pp. 520-528,  Ignatieff, Life Among the High Nobility:  Group 3

Based upon this description of one great noble family, be prepared to discuss aspects of daily life on a large noble estate, the relations between nobles and peasants, and nobles' views on politics and cultural matters.


Russia to 1917 Syllabus