On the Jewish Street/

На Еврейской Улице

A Journal of Russian-Jewish

History and Culture


Table of Contents

Vol. 1. No. 1  (2011)

Editor's Introduction

Michael C. Hickey,  "On the Jewish Street:  A New Journal on Russian-Jewish History and Culture," iii-iv


Maxim D. Shrayer, "Mark Egart and the Legacy of His Soviet Novel About Halutzim," 1-14

Igor Yeykelis, "The Odessa Archives as a Source on Modern Jewish History," 15-35

Olga Bertelsen, "New Archival Documentation on Soviet Jewish Policy in Interwar Ukraine. Part One:  GPU Repression of Zionist Parties and Groups in the 1920s," 37-112  

Maria Pia Pagani, "Mikhail Aleksandrovich Berman-Tsikinovskii:  An Introduction to the Work of a Prolific Jewish Soviet Émigré Author,"  113-117


Vol. 1. No. 2  (2011)


  Editor's Introduction

Michael C. Hickey, "Editor's Introduction to Volume 1, Issue 2,"  ii


Alexander Hazanov, "A Selective Bibliography of Recent Works on Russian-Jewish History,"  119-135


Victoria Khiterer, "Vasilii Shul’gin and the Jewish Question: An Assessment of Shul’gin’s Antisemitism," 137-163

Olga Bertelsen, "New Archival Documentation on Soviet Jewish Policy in Interwar Ukraine. Part Two:  GPU Repression of Jews and Jewish Groups in 1937-1940," 165-206

Boris Lanin, "Вклад  Еврейских  Русских  Ученых  В Методику  Преподавания  Литературы (Вторая Половина XX Века – Первое Десятилетие XXI Века)," 207-238                          


Vol. 2  (2012)


  Editor's Introduction

Michael C. Hickey, "Editor's Introduction to Volume 2,"  iii


Victoria Khiterer, "The Jewish Songs of Leonid Utesov," 1-48

Antonio Attisani, "A Century of Yiddish Theatre:  A Research Project," 49-56


Emily Tall, with Martin Horwitz, "We Are Still Here:  Voices of Russian-Jewish Renewal in the 1990s," 57-82