Commonwealth University                                                                                                                                                     Fall 2024


Math Thinking - Math 101

Section 03: MWF 9:00am – 9:50am,  BCH 105

Section 01: MWF 11:00am – 11:50am,  BCH 107



Instructor:  Dr. Kevin Ferland


Web Page:    ß Class web page can be accessed from here.

Office:  Ben Franklin 225       

Phone:  389-4502, Messages can be left at the Department Office 389-4500.  However, email is better.

Office Hours: MWF 9:55am - 10:55am

                        TuTh 12:55pm - 1:55pm

or by appointment



Text Book: 

Excursions in Modern Mathematics, Ninth Edition, Peter Tannenbaum, Pearson, © 2018.

This class is participating in Inclusive Access which lowers your cost and allows access on the first day of class.  So you are already enrolled and have automatic access to your content directly through a link in Brightspace: under Resources/Inclusive Access Textbooks.  The cost of the textbook will be automatically charged to your account after add/drop week is over.  If you decide that you do not want to utilize the textbook for the course, you may Opt Out.  If you “Opt Out”, you will not be charged for the textbook and will no longer have access.  You also have the option to purchase from the publisher what is called a "print upgrade" for a small cost if you prefer to do that.  If you have any questions, or need any help, please contact the University Store:



No particular calculator is required for this course.  You may use any calculator that you wish.  You are encouraged to use a calculator to do your homework when appropriate.  Some of the homework problems may even be best done with a calculator.  However, always be aware of the times that you do use your calculator, since you may sometimes be required to show your work on tests given in class.  You may not use your phone or a computer on tests.  You can only use a regular calculator. 



The practice of doing homework is perhaps the most important aspect of your learning the material for this course.  Keeping up with the daily homework assignments will enable you to best understand the ideas presented in class.  It will also enable you to filter out those questions that give you the greatest difficulty and that need to be discussed in class.  Some time at the beginning of each class will be devoted to solving homework questions. You should read each section before it is discussed in class.  This will allow you to get the greatest benefit from class time, rather than merely taking dictation.  Homework will always be assigned for your benefit, and it is important that you do it.  Homework will neither be collected nor graded.




There will be three in-class tests, each worth 50 points. 

                Wednesday, September 25.

Wednesday, October 30.

Wednesday, December 4.

You will need to be well prepared for each test.  If you have kept up with doing and understanding your daily homework, then studying for the test should not be difficult. Each test will be written under the assumption that you have practiced many problems of a similar type and can therefore work efficiently during the test.  Your ability to do problems in a timely manner could affect your test score.  The tests will not be curved.


Final Exam:

Section 03: Monday, December 9, 8:00am – 10:00am, BCH 105.

Section 01: Monday, December 9, 10:15am – 12:15pm, BCH 107.

The Final Exam will be cumulative.  Do not make plans to leave campus before this exam is over.  If you have a preexisting conflict, then you must see your instructor during the first week of class.  Unless the final exam is missed due to a sudden emergency and the instructor is informed immediately, a missed final exam counts as zero.



Attendance / Participation:

You are required to attend every class and to be on time.  Being late will count the same as being absent.  I will keep track of all of this stuff, and I am strict.  You are responsible for everything that goes on in class, and success in this class cannot be expected without regular attendance.  Participation in class by asking and/or responding to questions is expected.  Note that this component is 10% of your grade at an amount equal to a letter grade.



There will be no makeup tests given.  If you must miss a test for a legitimate reason, be sure to contact the instructor before the test with verification of the cause of your absence.  If that is not possible, you must contact the instructor at the earliest opportunity. In the case of an excused absence, the missing grade will be made up from the corresponding part of the final exam.  In all other cases the missed exam counts as a zero.


Grading Policy:

                3 in-class tests                                                       150 points (total) 50 points each

                Attendance/Participation                                    28 points

                Final Exam                                                           100 points

                Total Possible                                                       278 points


                The minimum number of points required for each letter grade is as follows:

                A             250 points

                A-            244

                B+           231

                B             222

                B-            216

                C+           203

                C             194

                C-            188

                D+           175

                D             166

                F              below 166


Academic Honesty:

All cases of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Chair of the Mathematics Department.  There will be no tolerance for cheating.


Students with Disabilities:

Any student who may need special consideration because of any sort of disability should make an appointment to see the instructor as soon as possible.