Student instructions for Blackboard

1. Go to the following website:


You will already have an account created for you by the university:

Your student user id is your campus network email id with 10 in front of it.  Student user id is usually first initial, middle initial, and the first 6 letters of last name.

Ex: John L. Smith, username would be 10jlsmith.   You can look up your username in STINF.  If you are unable to login, call the help desk at 1-866-434-8874.

Your password will be the first 4 letters of your last name (1st letter capitalized) and your date of birth full year/month/day

Ex:  John Smith was born on April 1, 1974 so password would be Smit19740401.    

Please change your password to something you will remember after you login for the first time!

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CAN USE BLACKBOARD ASAP because your class notes and handouts will be posted in here.